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همه رده ها > Nursing
تلفن : 02166487727

Bates' Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking (Lippincott Connect) Thirteenth, North American

سال انتشار : 2023
افزودن به علاقه مندی ها

1,695,000 تومان 1,186,500 تومان
بیش از 1,000 نفر از این محصول بازدید کرده اند

شابک 9781975210533
نویسنده Lynn S. Bickley MD FACP , Peter G. Szilagyi MD MPH
تعداد صفحه 1024

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

Bates' Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking (Lippincott Connect) Thirteenth, North American

Confidently Perform Accurate, Efficient, and Effective Physical Examinations.
Master the techniques for successful physical examinations with the #1 choice for complete, authoritative guidance. This highly regarded text in book-only format includes fully-illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline the correct performance of the physical examination and an easy-to-follow two-column format that correlates examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right.
NEW! Expanded Unit 1 provides an overview of the components of the patient encounter and helps you ensure the most effective information-gathering and decision-making approaches.
NEW! Key terms are bolded in chapters and correspond to an online glossary with definitions.
UPDATED! Expanded coverage of special populations familiarizes you with important approaches for persons who identify as LGBTQ, persons with physical disabilities, and diverse populations throughout the life cycle.
UPDATED! Restructured Regional Exam chapters enhance your understanding of overview material, examination techniques, and health promotion and counseling considerations.
UPDATED! Photographs, illustrations, and references reinforce key content based on the latest evidence-based information.
UPDATED! Text boxes are numbered to provide quick access to important summaries of clinical conditions and tips for challenging examination techniques.
Clinical pearls, printed in blue, highlight key points at a glance.
Detailed, highly illustrated tables of abnormal conditions display examination and clinical information in an easy-to-find, quick-reference format at the end of each chapter.

محصولات مشابه :
Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: General and Systemic Pathology
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Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: General and Systemic Pathology
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Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
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Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
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Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology
اطلاعات کامل
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine
اطلاعات کامل
Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
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